Why Rive Droite?
Starting a Business to Change the World

A 100% Involved Company
We firmly believe that businesses have a major role to play in building a society that's more fair, sustainable and supportive.
We're also convinced that, the more we can join forces, the stronger our social impact will be.
That's why we support associations that work on the ground to fight unemployment and stop violence against women, two causes that are dear to our hearts.
In 2020, we supported the work of La Maison des Femmes (more information here) et de la Fondation des Femmes (more information here) through auctions and partnerships organized by women committed to the cause. We donated over €10,000 to La Fondation des Hôpitaux de France [The French Hospitals Foundation] at the height of the COVID crisis, and La Fondation des Apprentis d’Auteuil, which helps young unemployed people find work in the Paris region, through our Braderies Solidaires or “Solidarity Sell-Offs.”.